Hi there!
I'm Paige.
I’m the mama behind a Homemaker’s Notebook. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada, with my husband, James and our three daughters.
We are deeply in love with Jesus, and with each other. We love the life we are living and working out together.
Sharing our story, our blessings, our challenges, our gifts, and our continued journey has been on my heart and mind for awhile, so I finally got my act together and here it is. It’s not that I believe I, or we as a family, have it all together and have figured out all the answers – not a chance. But I do believe in the value of sharing life with others. That’s why I called this a “notebook.” It’s not a guide or a manual to be followed. It’s also not a private journal to be treasured only by the author. It’s a notebook of the lessons I’m learning along the way.
So, thanks for stopping by and joining the journey!
So, what can you expect here?
Honesty. Real Life. Encouragement. Mess!
There's a lot of blogs with perfectly curated pictures, and seemingly perfect lives - and don't get me wrong, I love looking at those too...but, this is not that. And I hope you're ok with that. Let's talk real life, real challenges, real mess, real love, real faith, real hope.
So I’m taking a bit of a leap of faith here. This idea came to life a number of year ago, but nothing came of it. It was re-visioned a year or so ago with much hope and excitment, but it wasn’t the right time. But now, it’s time. It’s time to take the step and simply MAKE it happen.
I have big dreams for what this could be, and what I hope to make it in to.
I’ve really felt God speaking to my heart this year, birthing new ideas, refreshing things that have been left simmering, and reigniting areas that seemed to have faded out.
Moms… “mom-ing” is hard work. It’s tiring, it’s lonely, it can be fairly unseen, it’s often thankless. But, not only is it so worth it, but you can flourish in the midst of these tired and long days. Do I always feel like I’m flourishing? No. Let’s be honest. But I can feel God awakening something within me. Maybe it’s just me, maybe you’ve already figured this out, maybe these words aren’t for you. But if they are, I hope you’ll follow the journey.
Welcome to my notebook.
Jesus, first and foremost. Family, and friends who are like family.
Sitting around a fire. Game nights. Cozy nights with family and friends.
Tea, tea, tea! I’m happy with a nice regular cuppa tea. But if I’m going to get fancy – Chai tea latte, or London Fog made with eggnog (holiday-time). I’m a comfort food eater. I’ll take a burger over 5-star dining any day!